Generations Youth

Helping students Love Like Jesus one step at a time.

GC Youth

Here at GC Youth, we want to help students love like Jesus in everything they do. We help them love like Jesus by helping them love in three ways.

Love Up: Matthew 22:36-40, Mark 12:29-31
We believe that to love like Jesus the first thing we must do is love God. We help students love God by providing a Jr High and Sr High service on a weekly basis where they get to learn about the Bible, worship and pray. We also provide classes throughout the year for students that want to take their love and understanding of God to the next level.

Love In: John 13:34-35
We believe that the church is supposed to be a loving family and God calls students to love one another well. We help students love one another well through some of our events such as summer camp, youth conference, winter camp and much more. We believe in camps and conferences and the lifelong memories and friendships that they create that will allow them to love one another well.

Love Out: Matthew 22:36-40, Mark 12:29-31
We believe in the calling to make disciples of all nations and the best way to do that is to love them first. We love those outside the church by going on missions’ trips, doing outreach events, going to extracurricular activities, and getting into our community. We also offer a leadership class once a year where we talk about making disciples of our friends and the people around us. We want to see our students set an example of what it means to love others as themselves.

We believe when we Love up, Love in and Love out that not only do we Love like Jesus but we set a great example of what it means to follow Jesus.

When We Meet

Jr High Youth (Wednesday Night)

Join us on Wednesday Nights, Doors open at 6pm and service starts at 6:30pm and ends at 8pm. We serve dinner starting at 6 and have an amazing service full of games, a message and prayer. Jr High Service is for students in 6th-8th grade.

Sr High Youth (Sunday Night)

Join us on Sunday Nights, we have Sr High youth from 5pm to 8pm on Sunday nights. We serve food at 5:30pm and have a night full of games, prayer, small groups, and a Bible deep dive. If you have a student in 9th-12th grade, bring them on Sunday nights for a great night of games and Jesus.

Want to get involved?

There are many ways to get involved in GC youth from working in the kitchen, setting up chair’s tables, leading small groups, helping at events and being a prayer partner there are so many ways to serve in GC youth. If you want to take the next step towards serving in GC youth fill out the form below and start your journey today.

Upcoming Youth Events

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