Generations Youth

Helping students Love Like Jesus one step at a time.

GC Youth

Here at GC Youth we are committed to seeing three things.

1. We want to see souls saved. We believe there is an urgency to spreading the good news of the gospel and inviting people to accept Jesus as their savior. We are committed to spreading the gospel to our friends and community and inviting them into relationship with Jesus.

2. We are committed to seeing lives transformed. We believe that as we follow Jesus the Holy Spirit changes our hearts. As he changes our hearts our lives start to look different. Change can be hard, and this is where godly community comes in to help hold you accountable.

3. We want to see adult disciples. Jesus doesn't want disciples only for a season, but rather people who make lifelong commitments to following him. When we choose to follow Jesus, we start a journey that doesn't have a destination but rather a direction. We will never be perfect but will always pursue becoming more like Jesus.
We are building a community where Jesus saves souls, transforms lives and creates adult disciples!
Will you join us?

Want to get involved?

We have two primary things going on at GC Youth. We have a Unite Night the last Sunday of every month with dinner starting at 6pm. Our youth small groups are every Sunday starting at 6:30pm. If you want to sign up for a small group, hit the button below.

Contact Us

For questions about Generations Church student ministry, email